Every number has a specific meaning. In this module, you will learn how to use a person’s birth date to understand more about that individual. See how ‘what they show the world’ can differ from who they really are, what issues they need to address (positive and negative) to achieve their full potential, and what they should be striving for in order to fulfil their life’s journey.

What's covered

  1. 1
    • Welcome to Nulistix Foundations

    • Video: Introducing Nulistix

    • Lesson Objectives

    • Module 1 Overview: Introduction & History

    • Introduction & History

  2. 2
    • Module 2 Overview: How your birth date defines your personality & completing the Nulistix wheel

    • How your birthdate defines your personality

    • Video: Day Numbers Explained

    • Resources: 1.1 Birth Date Elements

    • Video: Second Line of Learning

    • Completing the Nulistix Wheel

    • Resources: 1.2 Nulistix Wheel Guide

    • Calculating the Nulistix Wheel

    • Resources: 1.3 Blank Nulistix Wheel

    • Resources: H1.1 Nulistix Homework Sarah 23 June 1978 Feedback Sheet

    • Resources: H1.2 Nulistix Homework Ken 01 Feb 1985 Feedback Sheet

  3. 3
    • Module 3 Overview: Understanding the Numbers

    • Numbers 1-9, Master Numbers and Zero

    • Resources: 1.4 Numbers 1 to 9

    • Resources: 1.7 Zero and the Master Numbers

    • Video: Master Numbers

    • Resources: 1.8 Day Month Year Quick Reference

    • Nulistix Quiz - Key Words

    • Resources: 1.5 Nulistix Quiz Keywords Feedback Sheet

    • Nulistix Quiz Multiple Choice

    • Resources: 1.6 Nulistix Multiple Choice Feedback Sheet

  4. 4
    • Module 4 Overview: Interpreting the Numbers

    • Interpreting the Nulistix Wheel

    • Resources: 1.9 Nulistix Interpretation Table

    • Resources: H1.3 Homework Nulistix Interpretation Table John Feedback Sheet

    • Resources: H1.4 Homework Nulistix Interpretation Table Ken Feedback Sheet

    • Resources: H1.5 Homework Nulistix Interpretation Table Sarah Feedback Sheet

  5. 5
    • Module 5 Overview: Final Exam

    • Complete 4 Interpretations

    • Resources: E1.5 Nulistix Foundation Exam Answers

    • Survey: Nulistix Foundations Feedback

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Learn the secret of numbers and you'll never be left guessing again!

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